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in Diamondcraft - Registration Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:59 am
by gsnoopy520 • 389 Posts

If your company had a personality Cheap Blake Griffin Shirt , what would it be? Marketing Articles | October 25, 2010

Haveyou ever considered creating a personality for your company? Giving it humancharacteristics that consumers and business customers can more easily andmeaningfully relate to? Let?s boil this down to a simple consideration. If yourcompany was a human being what type of personality would it possess? Here aresome examples of companies that have developed personalities Cheap Jon Leuer Jersey , as well ascharacteristics to consider in developing your own company?s personality?

Haveyou ever considered creating a personality for your company? Giving it humancharacteristics that consumers and business customers can more easily andmeaningfully relate to?


Let?sboil this down to a simple consideration. If your company was a human beingwhat type of personality would it possess?


It?sall part of the anthropomorphic techniques being increasingly used inadvertising campaigns.


Firsta definition, since anyone can be excused for being unfamiliar with thisobscure Cheap Ish Smith Jersey , rarely used term. To anthropomorphize is to ?ascribe human form orattributes to (an animal, plant Cheap Langston Galloway Jersey , material object, etc.).?


Togive your company a personality is to give it human qualities that consumersand business customers can more easily and meaningfully relate to.


Let?sboil this down to a simple consideration. If your company was a human beingwhat type of personality would it possess? What type of personality would youwant it to possess?


>>Would it be an introvert or an extrovert?

>>Masculine or feminine?

>>Artistic or athletic?

>>Blunt or nuanced?

>>Formal or casual?

>>Cool or passionate?

>>Sexual or ascetic?

>>Ostentatious or understated?


Itwouldn?t be an outlandish idea to hire a good fiction writer to develop thatpersonality Cheap Henry Ellenson Jersey , to give it dimension, to fully express it.


Onceyou decide on a personality Cheap Stanley Johnson Jersey , how would your company manifest its personality?


Thinkabout the personality Nike created for itself with its enduring Just Do Itmotto ? a no-excuses attitude that suggests commitment and athletic excellence.The point was hammered home through the use of super-athlete endorsers rangingfrom Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan to Mia Hamm and Steve Prefontaine in thecompany?s early days. But many of its ads also featured ordinary people workingout to stay physically fit in Nike gear.


Alsoconsider Starbucks. Though Starbucks has fallen on leaner times these days ithad an exceptional run of success by doing what many people might have thoughtimpossible. It turned a cheap commodity, coffee Cheap Luke Kennard Jersey , into a highly profitabledesigner beverage (which is very much what Nike did with athletic shoes).


HowardSchulz and Starbucks achieved incredible success by creating comfortable andesthetically pleasing coffeehouse environments where people wanted to hang out.Starbucks? stores became miniature community centers and meeting places.? It also showed the world how coffee could besimultaneously customized and mass produced, two objectives that are typicallymutually exclusive.


TheCEO is sometimes the embodiment of a company?s personality.


Thinkabout how closely tied Apple is to the personality of co-founder and CEO SteveJobs. Ditto for George Zimmer Cheap Rick Mahorn Jersey , founder and CEO of Men?s Wearhouse. Anotherexample is Herb Kelleher, the flamboyant bourbon-drinking founder and formerCEO of Southwest Airlines.


Thereis a danger that comes with the CEO being the company?s personality.


WillMen?s Wearhouse still be the same company after George Zimmer cashes in hischips?


WillApple still be Apple after Steve Jobs enters immortality?


SouthwestAirlines seamlessly maintained its personality Cheap Grant Long Jersey , culture and high-flying successafter the retirement of the inimitable Herb Kelleher, who wasn?t an easy act tofollow. Not an easy feat but Southwest somehow pulled it off.


Thiscan be accomplished when a personality is deeply ingrained into all facets of acompany?s operation. Then it?s capable of surviving changes in leadership.


Ashas been demonstrated by the many human beings we know Cheap Jerry Stackhouse Jersey , personalities are noteasily changed.


Andcorporate personalities are not easily created and propagated. But the upsideto all this effort is very big.

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